Sunday, December 14, 2014

Almost Winter Break!

Winter Break is almost here!  The students (and teacher) in Room 110 are excited about this.  Here is what we are learning this week in Kindergarten:

Language Arts:  Students will focus on leaving space between words when writing and will work on reading fluently in reading, with an emphasis on using intonation (or reading loud and soft).  We are also continuing to work on summarizing and retelling a story by telling what the problem and solution are in a story.

Science:  We are wrapping our unit on the physical properties of matter.  Concepts covered this week include wide and thin, heavy and light, and straight/curved.  There will be an assessment on the concepts covered in this unit on Thursday.  Please see last week's post for review of what concepts will be covered on the assessment.

Math:  I have decided to spend and extra week on comparing numbers.  This week, the focus skill will be on identifying one more and one less of a number and identifying sets of objects that have the same number.  This is a pretty abstract skill, so we will be using lots of manipulatives, before moving into just using numerals. If your child is struggling with this, keep using objects until they are ready to just use "numbers".

Notes:  Mark your calendars!  On Tuesday, the gingerbread house will be on display in our room from 4:00-5:00, If you'd like to drop by and see it.  On Wednesday, I will be delivering the house to Spring Arbor Nursing Home after school.  You are welcome to join me and Mr. Payne.  I know the residents would love to see the architects of the house.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

2 Weeks to Go!

There are only 2 weeks until Winter Break!   Wow!  It really snuck up on us this year.  This week students will be working on their Gingerbread house.  It has been so neat to see them come up with their blue prints.  I can't wait to see how it turns out.  Here's some other fun things we are learning about this week:

Sunday, November 30, 2014

December: Here we come!

Wow!  I can't believe it's December already and we only have 3 weeks until Winter Break.  That being said, there is still a lot of fun and learning we are going to be doing the next 3 weeks in Kindergarten.  Here is a preview for next week:

Saturday, November 15, 2014

November Fun

What a busy week I have planned this week!  This is also the only week in November where we will be going to school Monday through Friday, which is great because we a lot to do in preparation for Thanksgiving.  Here is what we are learning this week in Kindergarten:

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Second Quarter!

It is now the 2nd quarter of school (At Journal time, the students are also now writing 2 sentences!).  Here's what's going on in Kindergarten this week:

Monday, November 3, 2014

Welcome November!

Sorry!  I've missed two posts because I've been so busy!  Here's what's going on this week.  Please also check your child's homework for notes for the week.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Spider Week

It's Spider Week!  Our activities this week will be spider themed.  Students may bring in a spider in a glass jar to share with the class.  Here is what we are doing this week in Kindergarten:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fire Safety Week

This week we will celebrate fire safety week in our class.  Students will be doing activities that will have a fire safety theme.  Students will have the chance to earn their "Sparky Necklace".  They will be able to earn this by reciting their address and telephone number during circle time.   Please help your child learn these important things.

Here is what else is happening this week in our class:

Language Arts:  We are still working on using letter sounds to write.  This week also starts our "letter of the week".  The letter of the week this week is M. Our focus skills this week are making visualizations when reading and character analysis (learning about characters by what they think, feel, say, or do).

Social Studies:  We are about to wrap up our unit on the Past and Present.  I have had a lot of fun teaching this unit.  Last week, we did laundry the "old way" with a washboard and bucket.  This week, we will learn about clothes of the past and games children might have played at recess in the past.  We will be comparing these things to what we see in the present.

Math:  It's pattern time again this week!  The students will be learning what the "core" of a pattern is and how to extend patterns.  Students will also be having a pattern concert and creating art for a pattern musuem to be held in our class next week.  Our auidence will be our 2nd grade neighbors.

Notes:  The PTA Fall Fest is this Friday from 6:15-8:45.  There will be games, bounce houses, food, ,and lots of fun!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Welcome to October!

I hope everyone got to get out and enjoy the fabulous weather this weekend!  There's a lot going on next week, so here we go...

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Apple Week

Next week is Apple Week in our class!  I have several activities planned with apples.  We will be sorting apples in circle time, playing apple themed games, and making apple sauce to wrap up our unit on the 5 senses.  Please have your child bring in an apple by Wednesday so we can do some of these activities. Also, unfortunately because of construction on the roof, we were unable to celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day and plant our fall garden.  Hopefully, they will be finished this week and we will be able to be like Johnny Appleseed and plant our plants.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 22-26

It's Apple Time!  For the next 2 weeks, we will be doing activities with apples.  This Friday, we will even celebrate Johnny Appleseed by planting Fall plants in the school garden (just like Johnny Appleseed planted apple trees!).

Here's what else is going on in Kindergarten:
Language Arts:  We are still working on rhyming and naming letters.  Students will also practice matching and writing both upper and lower case letters.  Last week, we got out our "stretch bands" and learned how to stretch out words when we write.  Students will continue to practice the skill of using letter sounds to write.

Math:  This week's focus is on position words and how we can use them to describe where a shape is.  The main focus will be on the words above, below, and next to.

Science: The students are still working on learning about the 5 senses.  This week, I have some fun experiments planned for the students to learn about hearing, seeing, and smelling.  The students are still brainstorming ideas for a 5 senses center for our classroom. So far, the students think we should have things we can touch in our center.

Notes:  Back to School is Tuesday at 6:15 and is a parent informational session about our class.  Please plan on starting in your older child's classroom (if you have another child at Magruder).  Homework also starts this week.  It will be a packet and is due on Friday.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 3

Sorry about the late post!  I'm having computer problems at home where I blog.  Here are some updates for this week:
Language Arts:  We are still working on naming letters and identifying rhyming words. Students are also using the words "I' and "can" when writing and are practicing writing their name Kindergarten Style (only the first letter in your name is an uppercase letter!)
Math:  We are sorting this week.  Today we talked about sorting in real life (laundry, dishes, Subway...).  Students will have the chance to practice this skill all week.
Science:  Our next unit has started!  Students will be learning about the 5 senses.  Our challenge for this unit is to apply what we learn about the 5 senses to design a 5 senses center for our classroom.  I have lots of fun experiments planned this week for the students.
Notes:  Please plan on attending Back to School  Night next Tuesday at 6:15.  Baggie books will also start this week, as well as weekly take home folders.  Be on the lookout for these things this week!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 2

We had a very busy week last week!  The students are starting to learn the routines and are very busy having fun and learning.  Here is what we are learning this week:

Reading:  We are still working on building stamina for Read to Self.  We are up to 5 minutes!  The students are also very excited because they are going to get to pick their seats during Read to Self this week. I am also introduced our next Daily 5 Center "Read to Someone" this week.  Students will also start exploring the word work stations.   In addition to all this, students are learning how to use letter sounds to write, reviewing rhyming, and practicing writing their first and last name with upper and lower case letters.  Whew!

Math:  This will be our second week with shapes (a.k.a. polygons).  The students love using the big kid word when talking about shapes.  This week we will continue to focus on drawing and identifying different shapes.

Social Studies:  The Super Kiddos have been hard at work trying to think of a way we help our school.  We will continue to learn how to be good school citizens this week. Hopefully, by Friday, the students will have decided on a project they can do to help our school.

Notes:  Behavior Calendars start this Monday.  Students will receive a purple, green, yellow, or red dot on their calendar in their folder.  Please check your child's folder to see how their day was. Also, I am in need of paper towel tubes for Science.  Please send them in if you have them.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ready for Week 1?

I am so excited to be starting a new year!  Here is what we will be working on for the first week:
Reading:  We will be reviewing rhyming and upper case letters and will start building stamina in our reading centers.  Be sure to ask your child what "stamina" is, as we will be discussing it each day next week.
Writing:  We will be reviewing letters and will review writing first names correctly (only the first letter is an upper case letter).  We will also be learning about what our writing workshop will look like in our classroom and will be building routines for writing time.
Math:  We will work on learning routines for math workshop and will be reviewing shapes.
Social Studies:  We will start our first project of the year!  (Each unit in Science and Social Studies has a "problem" students will need to solve).  Our first "problem" is how we can help our school because we are now citizens of Magruder Elementary.  For the next two weeks, students will learn about how they can be a responsible school citizen or "Super Kiddo" and will develop a plan about how they can help our school.
Notes:  Please remember to send back all paperwork in the manila folder given to you at Open House.  After that, all paperwork will be sent home in a green take home folder.  Please send all notes and lunch money in this folder as Mr. Payne and I check folders each morning. 
I am looking forward to a fun first week!

Ready for a new year?

I am so glad I got to meet my new students yesterday.  I have been hard at work preparing our classroom for the new school year.  Just for fun, here are the before and after pictures of the classroom, as well as a picture of Tyrion ready to start his school year.  He is disappointed he can't come to Magruder, but he has his backpack packed and is all ready to go to dog school.


Sunday, June 15, 2014

An End to a Great Year!

This has been such an amazing year.  Thanks to all my students and parents for helping to make this one of the most fun years I've had teaching.  We completed a project for almost every Science and Social Studies Unit, in addition to some other fun projects in Math (measurement fair anyone?) and Language Arts (DARE Commercials!).  While I do enjoy sleeping in and being able to go to the beach when I want and will definitely enjoy my wedding in just 5 days (!), I will miss everyone and I hope that everyone has a great summer.  Here are some last pictures from the measurement fair we had last week.  Remember to read this summer and come visit me next year in Kindergarten. :)


Monday, June 2, 2014

Homework (Last Week!)

Langauge Arts:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS (Mon-Thurs)
Science:  WS (Tues), Quiz on Wed on Natural Resources, WS (Thurs)
Notes:  I need to borrow 3 corn hole (bean bag toss) boards for Friday for Market Day.  We also still need cereal boxes for the cereal box book report.
Have a wonderful week!

2 Weeks Left

We are getting so close to the end of the school year.  Only 9 more days to go!  I have some fun projects planned for the next weeks.  Students will be still be learning and working up until to June 12 and I will be taking grades up until June 10, so please encourage your child to keep doing their best at school. 
Here's a preview of what we are doing for the next 2 weeks:
Measurement Fair:  Students will be teaching the 2nd graders about measurement.  They will be operating their own booth and teaching about estimation and measurement.
Market Day:  Students will be running a corn hole (bean bag toss) tournament and then will be shopping at the 5th grade stores using Panther Dollars.  I need to borrow 3 corn hole boards.  Please let me know if you can bring one in on Friday.
Hungry for History Pizza Party:  This will be held on Monday, June 9.  Students will need to bring in the permission slip and $1.  Permission slips will be given once Hungry for History Tests 1-10 have been completed.
I have other fun activities planned to end out the school year also.  Please ask your child what they did in school today.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Homework 5/27-30

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes, Reading Log due Friday
Science:  WS (Tues)
VA Studies:  Hungry for History 9 and 10 due next Monday, VA Studies SOL next Monday
Math: WS (Tues, Wed, Thurs)
*Please note that Mrs. Crosby's math students will be joining my math class for the remainder of the year, so their homework will be the same as my math class.
Notes:  PTA Fun Walk on Friday from 6-7 (I will be out walking Tyrion, if you want to meet him!), We need cereal boxes and pencils.

A Short Week!

Things are starting to wind down in 4th grade, but there is still plenty to do before the end of the year.  I have been reminding the students that even though it is the end of the year, I am still taking grades and there are still  things that we need to work on before school is out for the summer.  Here is a glimpse of what we are doing this week...
**The VA Studies SOL is 1 week away!  Please keep working on Hungry for History and reviewing notes daily.  
**I am in need of cereal boxes for a cereal box Book Report Project the students will be working on next week.  Also, we need...pencils (yes, again)!   I am going to Sam's Club to buy one more big box on pencils, but if you send any in, I (and the students) would greatly appreciate it!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Homework for 5/19-23

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes
Math (Ms. Philllips's Class):  Math Review Packet due Wed.
VA Studies:  WS (Mon), Test on VS 9 on Tuesday, Hungry for History 6, 7, and 8 due next Tuesday
Notes:  Math SOL this week!,  No School next Monday (Yay!),  Happy Memorial Day!

This is it!

This is it!  The math SOL test is this week!  The students have been working very hard to prepare for this test.  It will be administered over 2 days and will cover everything taught this year (Whew!).  I have been reminding the students to do their best and to work out (and check) every problem.  Please help your child prepare by having them get a good night's rest the night before and by having them eat breakfast on the day of the test.  We will also be finishing up Virginia Studies this week and will get into straight review mode for this test on June 2.  Here is what else we will be doing this week...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Homework 5/12-5/16

Language Arts:  Read Nightly, Get a good night's rest and breakfast before your Reading SOL Test
Math (Ms. Phillips's Class): WS (Mon), WS (Tues), WS (Wed), WS (Thurs), SOL Review Packet (Fri, Due 5/21)
Math (Mrs. Crosby's Class):  Please check your child's agenda
VA Studies:  Hungry for History Tests 5 and 6 (due Mon. 5/19), WS (Thurs)

May 12-16

What beautiful weather we have been having!  I hope you were able to get outside this weekend and enjoy the weather.  Also, thanks for all the special treats last week for Teacher Appreciation Week.  It's actually a real treat to work with your child because I love teaching!
This week, students will be taking the Reading SOL test.  We are also going to continue reviewing math and Virginia Studies in preparation for next week (Math SOL) and June 2 (Virginia Studies SOL). Please continue to have your student review Virginia Studies nightly with their Hungry for History cards.  Tests 5 and 6 are up this week. Here's our focus for review this week:

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Homework 5/5

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes, Practice SOL on Thurs
Science:  Vocab WS (Mon), Review WS (Wed), Test Thurs.
VA Studies:  Hungry for History Tests 3 and 4 due next Monday
Math:  WS (Mon), WS (Tues), Pract/RT 20-3 (Wed), WS (Thurs)
Mrs. Crosby's Math Class:  Check agendas for HW assignments

Practice, Practice, Practice

The students will be taking their first SOL test (reading) next Wednesday!  They are working hard to prepare, so we have a little bit of a different week.  Students are also expected to have completed Hungry for History Tests 1 and 2 by this Monday.  Tests 3 and 4 are due next Monday.  Please keep reviewing those cards.  Finally, Field Day has moved.  Field Day will be this Wednesday from 9-12.  This is a change from previous years where it has been in June.  Our class is wearing blue to show team spirit.
Here's what's happening this week:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Homework 4/28

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes, Reading WS (Wed)
Math (Ms Phillips's Class):  WS (Mon), WS (Tues), Pract/RT 20-3 (Wed), WS (Thurs)
Math (Mrs. Crosby's Class):  Coming Soon!
Science:  WS (Mon), Quiz Wed on Food Chains, WS (Thurs)


Congratulations to the Magruder Odyssey of the Mind Team for placing 5th out of 12 teams at the Virginia State Finals this weekend.  These girls really rock!  Great job ladies!

Bring on the May Flowers!

Wow!  May starts on Thursday.  April really flew by and we are now 2 and a half weeks away from the Reading SOL.   This week there will lots of review and some material.  Field Day will also be on Friday from 9-12.  Here is what we are learning/reviewing this week:

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pencils and Dry Erase Markers

We are in need of pencils, dry erase markers, and note book paper.  Hopefully, this will be the last call for supplies!  The students are aware of these shortages.  Any donation helps!

Field Trip Fun

We had lots of fun at Colonial Williamsburg!

Homework 4/21

Language Arts:  Reading WS (due Friday)
Math (Ms. Phillips's Class):  Pract/RT 16-1 (Mon), WS (Tues-Thurs)
Math (Mrs. Crosby's Class):  Pract. p.229 (Mon), p.230 (Tues), p.237 (Wed), p.239 (Thurs)
Social Studies:  Study Guide WS (Mon), Test Tues on Civil War and Reconstruction
Notes:  The Science Fair is on Tuesday night.  Come out and see some of the amazing projects.

April 21-25

We are rolling along and the students are getting adjusted to being back in school.  SOL's are less than a month and we have a lot of reviewing to do!  Here's what we're learning about this week:

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Homework 4/14-4/18

Math (Ms. Phillips's Class):  Review Packet due Thursday
Math (Mrs. Crosby's Class):  Coming soon
VA Studies:  Review WS (Mon), Review WS (Wed)
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Reading WS due Fri.
Notes:  Field Trip Friday to Colonial Williamsburg

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a nice Spring Break.  We have a very busy week this week!

Language Arts:  This week's skill focus is on summarizing.   Students will practice finding the main idea of a passage and 3-4 good details that support the main idea.  At home, students can practice summarizing what they read at night.  We will also be working on identifying the 4 types of sentences and will be starting a new writing prompt for the month.  There will be spelling and a weekly comprehension quiz on Thursday this week

Social Studies:  We are rolling along with our unit on Reconstruction.  Please continue to review notes nightly!  There is a section on my edline page of review activities.  There will be a test on this unit next Monday that will cover Reconstruction and the Civil War.  Finally, I am in still in need of shoe boxes.  Please donate them if you have them.

Math:  This week is a week of review as there is Quarter 3 testing this week. If there is a skill where your child is struggling (decimals, geometry, or fractions), please review this with them, in addition to the study packet that will be sent home Monday. We will also be starting our unit on measurement with this week's focus on weight.  
Special Notes:  We are going on a field trip this Friday to Colonial Williamsburg.  Please send in the permission slip by Thursday!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Homework for 3/31-4/4

Reading:  Reading logs for March due now!
Math (Ms. Phillips's Class):  WS (Mon), Reteach 16-10 (Tues), WS (Wed), WS (Thurs)
Math (Mrs. Crosby's Class):  p.166 (Mon), p.168 (Tues), p.169 (Wed), p.70 (Thurs)
VA Studies:  WS, Test on Civil War on Wednesday (Tues), WS (Thurs)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Homework for 3/24-3/31

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes,  Reading log due next Mon., Reading Comprehension WS due Friday
Math (Ms. Phillips's Class): WS (Mon-Thurs)
Math (Mrs. Crosby's Class):  P.163 (Mon), p.164 (Tues), p.165 (Wed), p.169 (Thurs)
VA Studies:  Review WS (Mon), Quiz on Causes of the Civil War (Tues)
Notes:  Literacy Night on Thursday, Book Fair at MES this week only!

March 24-28

March has really flown by!  I also can't believe they're calling for snow again on Tuesday. Hang in there.  Spring (and Spring Break) are coming soon!  Here's what's happening this week in 4th grade:

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Homework for the week of March 17

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Writing WS due Friday
Math (Ms. Phillips's Class):  WS, Test tomorrow on Fractions (Mon), WS (Tues), Reteach 11-1 (Wed), WS (Thurs)
Math (Mrs. Crosby's Class):  p157 (Mon), p.158 (Tues), p.159 (Wed.) p.160 (Thurs)
VA Studies:  Study Guide sent home (Mon), WS (Wed)

A Lucky Week!

I think we will have a lucky week due to the arrival of Spring on Thursday!  Hopefully, the snow will stay out of our area tomorrow and we can have another normal week.  This week's topics include:

Language Arts:  This week's skill in reading is using reference sources (encyclopedia, almanac, thesaurus, dictionary, atlas) to help with research.  We will be learning how to use these books for a project later this year.  In writing, students will be given a prompt and will write a 5 paragraph essay on the topic to write in class.  This will be counted as a test grade and will be due on March 28.  There will also be word work and spelling this week.  Lately, students have been forgetting to turn in their word work packets on Thursday.  Please encourage your child to remember to turn in all their work, so that they can get credit for their work. 

Math:  Another week of Fractions!  Hang in there, we're almost finished with fractions.  This week's skills include adding and subtracing fractions with like and unlike denominators and ordering fractions (again)!

VA Studies:  We are starting our 3 week unit on the Civil War and Reconstruction.  I am breaking the unit into 2 parts.  Look for the study guide for the Civil War to come home tomrrow. There is a lot of information in this unit, but it is really fun to learn about (and teach) about this time in American history.  Our culminating project for this unit will be to create a diorama depicting a scene from this time period.  I need shoeboxes (20 to be exact), so please send them in if you have any.  Be sure to review study guides daily and use my edline page for additional practice and review. 

Notes: The PTA book fair will start this week.  Literacy Night and the annual PTA BBQ dinner is coming up on March 27 at 6:00.  Mark your calendars for these fun events.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Homework this Week

Mrs. Crosby's Math Class:  p.153 (1-12) (Monday), p.153 (13-20) (Tuesday), p.154 (1-9) (Wednesday), p.154 (2-18) (Thursday)
Miss Phillips's Math Class:  WS (Monday), WS (Tuesday), Reteach 10-8 (from Workbook) (Wed.), WS (Thursday)
Science:  WS (Monday), Quiz Wednesday, WS (Thursday)
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Reading Comprehension WS (due Friday)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week of March 10

Spring looks like it is finally coming!  It's amazing we had snow just last Monday and next week looks like nice weather.  Here's what's going on this week in 4th grade:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Fingers Crossed!

Hopefully, we won't get too much snow!  Here's what's going on in 4th grade this week:

Friday, February 28, 2014

Colonial VA Wax Museum

Check out our wax museum! The students researched their famous Virginian and then wrote a short biography and created a prop to hold. Our patrons were the second graders and one Kindergarten Class.  Thank you Second Grade teachers and Mrs.Eritano and Mrs. Hilton for letting your students come to our museum.  It was a big hit!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Recorders and Robots

The recorder concert was a huge success!  Thanks to Mrs. Ridge for working with the students.  Also, check out the robot party in the classroom.  My math students did an excellent job creating their 3D figure robots.  The first graders are also enjoying learning about 3D figures as students from my math class are showing the first graders their robots and explaining what figures they used to make them.  Great job students!



Monday, February 24, 2014

Homework for 2/24

Mrs. Crosby's Math Class:  p.155 (Mon), p.156 (Tues), p.145 (Wed.), p.148 (Thurs)
Ms. Phillips's Math Class:  p.150 (Mon), p.144-145 (Tues), WS (Wed), p.155 (Thurs)
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes (Mon-Thurs), Reading log due Friday, Reading WS (due Friday)* 
*There is no writing this week. I am alternating weeks with reading and writing homework from now on.
VA Studies:  WS (Mon), WS (Tues), WS (Wed), Test Thursday!,  Come to our Wax Museum on Friday from 2:30-3:00

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Last Week of February! (?)

Wow!  February really flew by.  It's hard to believe it's the last week of February.  Here's what happening this week in Room 128:

Language Arts:  We will start reviewing strategies this week. This week's focus is using context clues to help figure out the meaning of unknown words.  Students will become "word detectives" and look for clues such as synonyms and antonyms and examples in sentences to help figure our unknown words.  We will also be learning about prepositional phrases.  Students will have spelling and word work this week.  In addition, instead of weekly writing homework, there will be a reading comprehension worksheet.  I will now be alternating reading and writing homework every week in order to help start preparing students for their Reading SOL test. (Yes, we start reviewing this early!)

Math:  This week's focus is on mixed numbers and improper fractions.  Students will learn how to convert an improper fraction into a mixed number and vice versa.  Students will also learn how to place fractions on a number line to help with number sense.  Please refer to my edline page for additional practice and tutorial videos. 

Virginia Studies:  We will wrap up our unit on Colonial Virginia and the Founding Fathers on Friday. There will be a test on Thursday.  We will also have our Colonial Virginia Wax Museum on Friday from 2:30-3:00. The students will be "wax figures" and will read you their autobiography when their "button" is pushed.  I hope to see you there!

Notes:  Our next unit in Science is on electricity.  I am looking for D Batteries for our next project (designing an electronic game board).  Please consider donating for this fun project.  

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Homework for the Week of 2/17

This Week's HW*:
Monday HW:  Read for 20 minutes, Math WS (Phillips), Study for Probability Test (Crosby) Weather Review WS, Weather Test tomorrow!, Writing WS given out today (due on Friday)
Tuesday HW:  Read for 20 minutes, Math WS, Geometry Test tomorrow (Phillips's Math Class), No HW (Crosby)
Wednesday HW:  Read for 20 minutes, Math WS (Phillips), Workbook p.145 (Crosby), Study for Spelling Test, VS6 Study Guide sent home today
Thursday HW:  Read for 20 minutes, Math WS (Phillips), Writing WS due tomorrow,Workbook p.146 (Crosby)
*May be subject to change.  Please check your child's agenda daily.

Warm Weather Ahead?

It has felt like it won't ever get warm again, but the Junior Meteorologists have seen the weather maps and are predicting warm weather for this week (with a little help from the National Weather Service).  Here's what's happening this week in Room 128:

Language Arts:  Students will start writing their writing sample for the month.  They will have 2 weeks to write an essay on the prompt given in class.  This will be a test grade. This week's comprehension skill is plot.  We will have a skill sheet on Tuesday and a reading comprehension quiz on Wednesday.  There will be word work and weekly writing homework this week also.  Be sure to study you spelling words for the spelling test on Thursday!

Math:  We will finish our unit on Geometry (Test Wed!)  and start our unit fractions this week.  This is a tough unit!  Be sure to look for and use the study guide for the unit.  It will be sent home one day this week.  This week's focus is a review on what a fraction is, fraction benchmarks (Is the fraction closest to 1, 1/2, or 0) and the vocabulary associated with fractions.  

Science:  We are wrapping up our weather unit with students finishing and presenting their posters on storms.  Weather teams will go live on the Magruder Morning Show starting Thursday.  There will also be a test on Wednesday.  Look for a review sheet coming home on Tuesday.

VA Studies:  It's back again!  Our next unit is on the Founding Fathers and important documents in Virginia. A study guide for this unit will be sent home on Wednesday.

Notes:  Don't forget!  The recorder concert will be held this Thursday at 6:30.  Please arrive at the classroom no later than 6:20.  I have also added links to review sites for fractions and VS 6 (our next unit in Social Studies) on my edline pages.  Please visit the sites for additional help and review.  Finally, I will now be posting homework for the week on my weekly post.  Please continue to check your child's agenda for up to the date HW assignments.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Homework 2/13

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Writing WS Due Tomorrow
Math:  WS (Phillips), p.295 (Crosby)
Notes:  Recorder Concert Tonight at 6:30.  Come to the classroom  by 6:20

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Homework 2/11

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Writing WS due Friday
Math:  ws (Phillips), Workbook p.298 (Crosby)*
*I gave all the workbook pages for the week yesterday!  My apologies. The communication broke down here!
Science:  Review WS, Quiz tomorrow
Notes:  Recorder concert Thursday at 6:30.  Be at school by 6:20!

Monday, February 10, 2014

STEM in Action!

Check out our STEM project for our weather unit.  The students designed their own anemometers and they actually worked!  I also included a picture of someone who wants more snow this week!


Homework 2/10

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Writing Worksheet due Friday (for a bonus, you may actually make the Valentine's mailbox)
Math: Workbook  p.131-132 (Phillips) p.294-295 and p. 297-298
Science:  Quiz Wednesday on Weather Instruments
Note:  Recorder Concert Thursday at 6:30, Arrive no later than 6:20

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snow? "Snow" Problem!

Due to the recent snow days, we need to play catch up, but I know that is no problem for my wonderful students who have been pretty flexible with our schedule lately.

This week we are learning about...
Language Arts:  We will be learning about poetry and will be writing a haiku for the National Poetry Contest.  There will be word work and a spelling test on Thursday, as well as the weekly Reading comprehension quiz on Thursday.  This week's skill is paraphrasing.  To help with this skill, you can practice summarizing at the end of chapter in your book.  The steps for paraphrasing are:  Read carefully, Think about what you read, and Say it in your own words.

Math:  We will working hard to finish up our geometry unit.  This week's focus is on polygons, quadrilaterals, and 3D figures.  The unit test will be Wednesday, February 19th.

Science:  The Weather Teams are hard at work learning all about weather.  This week's focus is on clouds, fronts, and pressure systems.  There will also be a short research project in class this week on storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms).  Next week, teams will go live on the Magruder Morning Show and will present the weather for the day.

Notes:  You may bring in Valentines on Fridayand we will have a short Valentines exchange.  I will send home a list of names on Monday. Remember, as per school policy, candy is not allowed to be given out.

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Homework 2/6

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Writing:  Paragraph due tomorrow
Math:  WS
Notes:  The Recorder Concert is next Thursday!    Keep practicing!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Homework 2/5

Reading: Read for 20 minutes
Math (Ms. Phillips's Class):  WS
Writing:  Paragraph due Friday on prompt

Sunday, February 2, 2014

How was your "snowcation"?

I hope everyone got out and got to enjoy the snow.  I'm so glad we have a regular week this week!
Here's what's happening this week in 4th grade..

Language Arts:  We will be learning about similes and metaphors this week.  We will also be learning about making generalizations and determining if they are valid or faulty.  This week students are back on schedule with weekly writing homework, word work, and a skill sheet on Tuesday.  There will also be a reading comprehension quiz on Thursday, as well as a spelling test on Thursday.  I hope to start a read aloud this week for the book Wonder.
Here's a link to activities about making generalizations:

VA Studies:  Test Wed on the Revolutionary War!  I will be counting this as a grade only if the grade improves a student's Quarter 2 grade.  Otherwise, I will be using it more as a tool to see what I need review later on in the year.

Science:  Weather Unit starts this week!  Students will get to be Junior Metereologists and will get to make actual weather reports at the end of the unit.

Math: We are still reviewing for the Quarter 2 Test!  This week also starts our unit on Geometry.  This week will focus on lines, line segments, rays, and angles.  If your student is in Mrs. Crosby's math class, they will be reviewing this week also.

Notes:  Any donations of box tops for Education, dry erase markers, pencils, or notebook paper are always welcome.  The students will also have a chance to see the VA Opera perform Pinnochio at our school this week.  Thank you PTA!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Weather Unit

We are ready to start our weather unit!   The students will be Junior Meterologists for this Unit.  Their challenge will be to create a weather forecast for our area by using what they learn in the unit. Here are some websites to get started.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Homework 1/28

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, No writing this week
Math:  Packet Due Friday
VA Studies:  Study Guide WS

More Snow!

Ready for more snow?  Here's what I hope to do this week!
Language Arts:  Students are finishing up their wish stories.  There is no spelling or Daily Language Review this week.  We will writing and making Super Bowl Commercials.  Look for them coming soon!  Just a reminder that reading logs are due Friday.
Math:  We are still reviewing for the Quarter 2 Test.  Please have your child practice their long division and multi-digit multiplication.  Students were given a review packet that will be due Friday.
VA Studies:  We are finishing up our unit on the Revolutionary War.  There will be a test this week!
  Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The week of January 21-23!

Ready for a short week?  Even though this week is short, there is still homework this week!
Reading:  Students will be taking the Unit 3/4 Benchmark test this week.  There is no word work or spelling.  Just a reminder:  Reading logs are due next Friday.  If your reading log is lost, check out my edline page for an electronic copy.
Today's HW:  Read for 20 min.

Writing:  The students will be finishing up their wish story.  I hope to have them publish it in the computer lab next week.
Today's HW:  Writing WS

Math:  We are getting ready for the Quarter 2 Benchmark test next week.   We will be reviewing number patterns and multi-digit multiplication. 
Today's HW:  WS

VA Studies:  Students will be working on a project about the Revolutionary War and will be reviewing.  There is a test on the Revolutionary War next Wednesday. 
Today's HW:  Review WS

Friday, January 17, 2014

Twin Day and Next Week

Next week is a crazy week!  We do not have school on Monday and Friday.  Tues, Wed, and Thurs are all early dismissal days.  There will be homework next week!
Check out these pictures from Twin Day. The students enjoyed all the dress up days this week to show that they are against bullying!  (The teachers enjoyed it too.)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Homework 1/16

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
VA Studies:  Day 2 of WS
Notes:  Tomorrow is Twin Day!  Dress like a friend.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Homework 1/15

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS, Long Division Test Friday
VA Studies:  Quiz tomorrow on the causes of the American Revolution, WS
Notes:  Tomorrow is put a lid on bullying day.  Students may wear a hat to show their support of no bullying in our school.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Homework 1/14

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Writing:  Writing Worksheet due Friday
Math:  WS, Long Division Test Friday
Notes:  Tomorrow is "don't sweat bullies" day.  Wear sweats to show your support of no bullying week.

Monday, January 13, 2014

This week in 4th grade...

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.  We are having word work and our weekly reading comprehension quiz on Thursday.
Writing:  There will now be a weekly writing prompt that will be due Friday for homework.  Students will need to write a paragraph on the prompt on the worksheet.
Math: We are finishing up our unit on Long Division this week and will be reviewing multi-digit multiplication.  The last week in January students will be taking a test on all the skills learned this quarter.  We will start reviewing these skills this week.
Today's HW is a WS.
VA Studies:  We will continue our unit on the Revolutionary War.  There will be a quiz on Thursday on the causes of the war and the people of the war (loyalists, patriots, neutral).  Start studying!
Have a great week and don't forget we do not have school next Monday:)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Homework 1/9

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.
Virginia Studies:  Study Guide for our next unit sent home today
Math:  WS

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Homework 1/8

Reading:  Reading WS
Math:  WS
Virginia Studies:  None!  I will be sending home the study guide for the Revolutionary War Unit tomorrow.  This is our next unit.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Homework 1/7

Happy New Year!
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Social Studies:  Test Tomorrow, Study Guide WS
Math:  WS
We will be completing a word work packet in class this week, along with our skill sheet and reading comprehension quiz.  The skill for the week is predicting.  We are also continuing to work on long division in Math.  Finally, we will be starting our unit on the Revolutionary War this week.  Look for a study guide coming home on Thursday!