Sunday, December 7, 2014

2 Weeks to Go!

There are only 2 weeks until Winter Break!   Wow!  It really snuck up on us this year.  This week students will be working on their Gingerbread house.  It has been so neat to see them come up with their blue prints.  I can't wait to see how it turns out.  Here's some other fun things we are learning about this week:

Language Arts: Students will be learning about the differences between words and sentences.   We will also continue discussing story elements (problem, solution, characters, setting).  Another focus skill this week will be on retelling a story  using beginning, middle, and end.

Math:  This week, the focus skill will again be on comparing numbers using the terms more, less, and the same.  We will also talk about "one more" and "one less" this week.  Also, please continue to have your child make sure they are writing their numbers correctly.  We have had many talks in class about this.

Science:  We will be exploring the physical properties of matter with some fun expeirments.  Vocabulary covered this week includes color words, flexible, stiff, loud, quiet, soft, and hard.

Notes:  Chik-fil-a Spirit Night is Tuesday from 5-7:30 at the Mooretown Road location.  Twenty percent of all proceeds will be donated to our school.  Also, dont' forget that Friday is an early release day.  Dismissal will be at 12:45.

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