Monday, May 26, 2014

A Short Week!

Things are starting to wind down in 4th grade, but there is still plenty to do before the end of the year.  I have been reminding the students that even though it is the end of the year, I am still taking grades and there are still  things that we need to work on before school is out for the summer.  Here is a glimpse of what we are doing this week...
**The VA Studies SOL is 1 week away!  Please keep working on Hungry for History and reviewing notes daily.  
**I am in need of cereal boxes for a cereal box Book Report Project the students will be working on next week.  Also, we need...pencils (yes, again)!   I am going to Sam's Club to buy one more big box on pencils, but if you send any in, I (and the students) would greatly appreciate it!

Language Arts:  Final writings are due this Friday!  There will also be spelling and word work this week.  Students will continue with their novel studies.  On Wednesday, students will be taking the final Benchmark test for the year.  This week there are no focus skills, but instead lessons will be VA Studies review lessons.
Math:  There will be a quick graphing review unit.  Students will also be working on creating a station for our "Measurement Fair" for 2nd grade.  Students will create a station to teach the younger students about estimating and measuring.
VA Studies:  VA Studies SOL next Monday!  Review, review, review
Science:  We are starting a quick Natural Resources Unit.  There will be a quick quiz on this unit next Tuesday and then we will be begin our final unit, Plants!

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