Saturday, November 15, 2014

November Fun

What a busy week I have planned this week!  This is also the only week in November where we will be going to school Monday through Friday, which is great because we a lot to do in preparation for Thanksgiving.  Here is what we are learning this week in Kindergarten:

Language Arts:  The focus letter of the week is Short A.  Students will also be working on reading more fluently and "pausing" when reading.  In writing, the students will have their weekly book response and will learn how to chunk to spell words better.

Social Studies:  It's Thanksgiving Time!  We will be learning about Thanksgiving this week and next.  The students are also hard at work learning all the songs for the Thanksgiving Program.  This will take place next Tuesday at 2:30.  I hope you can come!

Math:  We are almost finished with our unit on Numbers 1-15.  The students will continue to work on reading and writing 0-15 and will also learn some practical applications of numbers through a building project.

Notes:  Math Night is this Thursday from 6:00-7:30.  It should be lots of fun.  The students are encouraged to wear their sports gear on Thursday.  Finally, the SCA will be continuing their food drive through this Friday.  Please donate canned goods and help feed our "turkey".

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