Sunday, May 18, 2014

This is it!

This is it!  The math SOL test is this week!  The students have been working very hard to prepare for this test.  It will be administered over 2 days and will cover everything taught this year (Whew!).  I have been reminding the students to do their best and to work out (and check) every problem.  Please help your child prepare by having them get a good night's rest the night before and by having them eat breakfast on the day of the test.  We will also be finishing up Virginia Studies this week and will get into straight review mode for this test on June 2.  Here is what else we will be doing this week...

Language Arts:  Spelling and Word Work return this week.  There will be a spelling test on Friday.  The students are also hard at work finishing up their essay on their accomplishments in 4th grade.  This week our skill focus will be on looking for word problems!  Novel study groups will also resume this week. It is a breath of fresh air to get back to normal in Language Arts!
VA Studies:  We will finish up our last unit this week onThursday.  Students will be learning about the products of Virginia's regions and the organization of the state goverment.  There will be a quick quiz onTuesday on Virginia in the 20th century.  Hungry for History 6, 7, and 8 are due this week.  Last week, the cards for 6 did not come in from the Print Shop, so I am extending the deadline for Test 6.  Test 8 is a shorter test and is on Reconstruction (a topic we recently finished), so I know the students will be able to handle 3 tests. Hopefully, the cards will be here on Monday.
Math:  Review, Review, Review!  Study Packets for my math class are due on Wednesday.  Please encourage your child to ask for help and practice on any topic they are unsure about or feel they need more practice on.  I have been encouraging this in my math class alot.  Your child knows best what they need help on and I want all the students to do awesome on the SOL and want to help them as much as possible.

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