Saturday, September 27, 2014

Apple Week

Next week is Apple Week in our class!  I have several activities planned with apples.  We will be sorting apples in circle time, playing apple themed games, and making apple sauce to wrap up our unit on the 5 senses.  Please have your child bring in an apple by Wednesday so we can do some of these activities. Also, unfortunately because of construction on the roof, we were unable to celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day and plant our fall garden.  Hopefully, they will be finished this week and we will be able to be like Johnny Appleseed and plant our plants.

This week in...
Language Arts:  The students did a great job last week learning the last component of our morning routine (word work). This week, the focus will be on main idea and detail and asking questions.  We will also continue our review of rhyming and letter naming.  In writing, students will learn the difference between a letter and a word and will work on using "is", "the", and "a" when writing (along with using their "stretch" bands).

Math:  We are back to shapes!  This week's focus is on shapes and how they can still be shapes, even if they are "turned funny" or different sizes.

Science:  We are wrapping our unit on the 5 senses and will be doing a tasting experiment on Monday.  The experiment will be to see if you make a funny face when you taste different foods.  We will also be using our senses to describe apple sauce.  We will do this on Wednesday, depending on when we can get into the garden to get our fall plants in.  

Social Studies:  We will start our next unit this Thursday.  The next unit is on learning about the past and present and how they differ and are alike.  The students will be challenged to think of way to tell about how our school has changed from the past and how we are going to present this to the community.

Notes:  Friday is a half day.  Dismissal will be at 12:45.  Also, Chik-Fil-A night is this Tuesday from 5-8 at the Chik-Fil-A on Mooretown Road.  Twenty Percent of all sales will go to our school.  I hope to see you there!

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