Saturday, October 18, 2014

Spider Week

It's Spider Week!  Our activities this week will be spider themed.  Students may bring in a spider in a glass jar to share with the class.  Here is what we are doing this week in Kindergarten:

Language Arts:  Our letter focus this week is the letter M.  Students will be doing activities with this letter during our morning centert time.  Our comprehension focus will be on learning about characters by what they think, say, feel, and do.  We will also be practicing the skill of visualization or making pictures in our head while reading.

Math:  This is week 3 of patterns.  Students will continue to practice identifying the core of a pattern and extending patterns.  There are lots of hands-on activities planned this week!

Science:  We will begin our unit on the 4 seasons this week.  The question for the unit is how are we going to help the native birds live better in every season.  Students will be working on creating a project to help the birds that live around our school.  As always, there will lots of fun experiments this week. Including one on rescuing toys from the snow!

Notes:  Please remember to return your child's field trip permission form with 6 dollars for our field trip to the Pumpkin Patch on October 30.

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