Sunday, February 16, 2014

Warm Weather Ahead?

It has felt like it won't ever get warm again, but the Junior Meteorologists have seen the weather maps and are predicting warm weather for this week (with a little help from the National Weather Service).  Here's what's happening this week in Room 128:

Language Arts:  Students will start writing their writing sample for the month.  They will have 2 weeks to write an essay on the prompt given in class.  This will be a test grade. This week's comprehension skill is plot.  We will have a skill sheet on Tuesday and a reading comprehension quiz on Wednesday.  There will be word work and weekly writing homework this week also.  Be sure to study you spelling words for the spelling test on Thursday!

Math:  We will finish our unit on Geometry (Test Wed!)  and start our unit fractions this week.  This is a tough unit!  Be sure to look for and use the study guide for the unit.  It will be sent home one day this week.  This week's focus is a review on what a fraction is, fraction benchmarks (Is the fraction closest to 1, 1/2, or 0) and the vocabulary associated with fractions.  

Science:  We are wrapping up our weather unit with students finishing and presenting their posters on storms.  Weather teams will go live on the Magruder Morning Show starting Thursday.  There will also be a test on Wednesday.  Look for a review sheet coming home on Tuesday.

VA Studies:  It's back again!  Our next unit is on the Founding Fathers and important documents in Virginia. A study guide for this unit will be sent home on Wednesday.

Notes:  Don't forget!  The recorder concert will be held this Thursday at 6:30.  Please arrive at the classroom no later than 6:20.  I have also added links to review sites for fractions and VS 6 (our next unit in Social Studies) on my edline pages.  Please visit the sites for additional help and review.  Finally, I will now be posting homework for the week on my weekly post.  Please continue to check your child's agenda for up to the date HW assignments.

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