Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week of March 10

Spring looks like it is finally coming!  It's amazing we had snow just last Monday and next week looks like nice weather.  Here's what's going on this week in 4th grade:

Language Arts:  This week we will be reviewing text features of non-fiction books again.  We will also be reviewing prefixes, suffixes, and root words.  In writing the focus will be on paraphrasing topic and conclusion sentences, so they don't all sound the same.  Thses skills are a continuation from last week, as we had only 3 days of Language Arts.  Students will be completing a word work packet and will have a spelling test on Thursday.  Please make sure to study your words.  Spelling tests are counted as quiz grades.  This week's reading homework will be a reading comprehension worksheet.

Math:  We are almost finished with the first part of our fraction unit.  This week's skills are simplfying fractions, comparing fractions using cross multiplication, ordering a set of 3 fractions by finding common denominators, and naming the decimal equivalent to a fraction (tenths, hundredths, thousandths).   I know it sounds like a lot, but I am finding the students are picking up these skills rather quickly.  Knowing how to find the LCM and GCF of 2 numbers will help when finding common denominators and simplfying fractions. Keep practicing those skills when completing  homework.  Also, when completing workbook pages for homework, feel free to the do the work on a separate sheet of paper. They don't give you much space and we emphasize in school to work out the whole problem.

Science:  This week students will be learning about static electricity, circuits, conductors and insulators, and electromagnets.  There are some fun experiments planned this week, as well as our culminating activity for the unit. Students will build their own electronic game board using their knowledge of circuits.  There will also be a short quiz on circuits, static electricity, and the historical contributions to the study of electricity on Wednesday.  I am anticipating giving the Unit Test next Monday.

Notes:  Tomorrow is crazy hat day in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday.  I am also looking for Guest Readers for the month.  Our school is trying to get 101 guest readers to come in, so let  me know if you can help.  Finally, interims will be coming home tomorrow. Please sign and return the bottom portion to school, so I know you received it.

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