Sunday, May 4, 2014

Practice, Practice, Practice

The students will be taking their first SOL test (reading) next Wednesday!  They are working hard to prepare, so we have a little bit of a different week.  Students are also expected to have completed Hungry for History Tests 1 and 2 by this Monday.  Tests 3 and 4 are due next Monday.  Please keep reviewing those cards.  Finally, Field Day has moved.  Field Day will be this Wednesday from 9-12.  This is a change from previous years where it has been in June.  Our class is wearing blue to show team spirit.
Here's what's happening this week:
Language Arts:  A review of all skills.  Last week, students took a practice test and Mrs. Kosanovich and I pinpointed what we needed to review.  Two of the most missed questions were on using guide words in a dictionary and inferencing, so we will definitely hit those this week.  There will be no spelling or word work this week.  Students will also take another practice test on Thursday.  I know they will do well!
Math:  This week's focus is on probability and graphing.  We are also continuing to review decimals, long division, and word problems.  I have asked the students to practice any skills they feel they are weak on at home.
VA Studies:  This week we will start our unit on Virginia in the 20th century.  Look for a study guide for this unit coming home on Thursday.  Hungry for History Tests 3 and 4 are due next Monday.
Science: Our unit on Living Systems will end on Wednesday with the Unit Test.  Students will also be creating their new creature and its habitat on Tuesday.  What a fun unit!
Assessments:  Practice Math SOL (Wed, This will not be for a grade, but will help me plan for review for the next week and a half), Living Systems Unit Test (Thurs), Practice Reading SOL (Thurs)

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