Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snow? "Snow" Problem!

Due to the recent snow days, we need to play catch up, but I know that is no problem for my wonderful students who have been pretty flexible with our schedule lately.

This week we are learning about...
Language Arts:  We will be learning about poetry and will be writing a haiku for the National Poetry Contest.  There will be word work and a spelling test on Thursday, as well as the weekly Reading comprehension quiz on Thursday.  This week's skill is paraphrasing.  To help with this skill, you can practice summarizing at the end of chapter in your book.  The steps for paraphrasing are:  Read carefully, Think about what you read, and Say it in your own words.

Math:  We will working hard to finish up our geometry unit.  This week's focus is on polygons, quadrilaterals, and 3D figures.  The unit test will be Wednesday, February 19th.

Science:  The Weather Teams are hard at work learning all about weather.  This week's focus is on clouds, fronts, and pressure systems.  There will also be a short research project in class this week on storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms).  Next week, teams will go live on the Magruder Morning Show and will present the weather for the day.

Notes:  You may bring in Valentines on Fridayand we will have a short Valentines exchange.  I will send home a list of names on Monday. Remember, as per school policy, candy is not allowed to be given out.

Have a wonderful week!

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