Sunday, September 21, 2014

September 22-26

It's Apple Time!  For the next 2 weeks, we will be doing activities with apples.  This Friday, we will even celebrate Johnny Appleseed by planting Fall plants in the school garden (just like Johnny Appleseed planted apple trees!).

Here's what else is going on in Kindergarten:
Language Arts:  We are still working on rhyming and naming letters.  Students will also practice matching and writing both upper and lower case letters.  Last week, we got out our "stretch bands" and learned how to stretch out words when we write.  Students will continue to practice the skill of using letter sounds to write.

Math:  This week's focus is on position words and how we can use them to describe where a shape is.  The main focus will be on the words above, below, and next to.

Science: The students are still working on learning about the 5 senses.  This week, I have some fun experiments planned for the students to learn about hearing, seeing, and smelling.  The students are still brainstorming ideas for a 5 senses center for our classroom. So far, the students think we should have things we can touch in our center.

Notes:  Back to School is Tuesday at 6:15 and is a parent informational session about our class.  Please plan on starting in your older child's classroom (if you have another child at Magruder).  Homework also starts this week.  It will be a packet and is due on Friday.

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