Sunday, February 16, 2014

Homework for the Week of 2/17

This Week's HW*:
Monday HW:  Read for 20 minutes, Math WS (Phillips), Study for Probability Test (Crosby) Weather Review WS, Weather Test tomorrow!, Writing WS given out today (due on Friday)
Tuesday HW:  Read for 20 minutes, Math WS, Geometry Test tomorrow (Phillips's Math Class), No HW (Crosby)
Wednesday HW:  Read for 20 minutes, Math WS (Phillips), Workbook p.145 (Crosby), Study for Spelling Test, VS6 Study Guide sent home today
Thursday HW:  Read for 20 minutes, Math WS (Phillips), Writing WS due tomorrow,Workbook p.146 (Crosby)
*May be subject to change.  Please check your child's agenda daily.

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