Sunday, November 9, 2014

Second Quarter!

It is now the 2nd quarter of school (At Journal time, the students are also now writing 2 sentences!).  Here's what's going on in Kindergarten this week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is F.  Students will also be learning about how to determine what is important in a text and will be working on the skill of sequencing.  In writing, the focus will be on leaving space between words when writing.

Science:  Our weather unit has begun!  The students are being challenged to think of a way to "spice" up the morning show.  I have some fun inquiry experiments planned this week.  What is an inquiry experiment?  Basically, I present a question to the class (why does it feel warmer on sunny days rather than cloudy days) and they have to figure out how to prove what they think.  The students do this by working with a small group and designing their own experiment with the materials provided.  
This should be interesting to see what they come up with!

Math:  We are still counting!  The focus this week will be on the numbers 6-10 and writing 0-10 correctly.  The students will do this through centers and small groups.  Right now, the favorite center is Number Jenga!

Notes:  There is no school on Tuesday in honor of Veterans' Day.  Also, mark your calendars.  PTA Math night is next Thursday from 6-7:30.

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