Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 12-16

What beautiful weather we have been having!  I hope you were able to get outside this weekend and enjoy the weather.  Also, thanks for all the special treats last week for Teacher Appreciation Week.  It's actually a real treat to work with your child because I love teaching!
This week, students will be taking the Reading SOL test.  We are also going to continue reviewing math and Virginia Studies in preparation for next week (Math SOL) and June 2 (Virginia Studies SOL). Please continue to have your student review Virginia Studies nightly with their Hungry for History cards.  Tests 5 and 6 are up this week. Here's our focus for review this week:

Language Arts:  A quick review of Main Idea and Supporting Details and Plot.  In grammar, students will be reviewing prepositions and pronouns.  Students will also be working on their writing for their writing folder (and for their 5th grade teacher!).  The topic will be "My accomplishments in 4th grade".  There will be no spelling or word work this week.  
Math:  A review of everything!  There will be no quizzes or tests until the SOL test next week.   Assessments will be quick checks on Interactive Achievement (the online testing site we use).
Virginia Studies:  We will continue working on the VS 9 unit, Virginia in the 20th and 21st century.  There will be a quick quiz on Friday on vocabulary and Famous Virginians in the 20th century.  A study guide for this unit will be sent home tomorrow.  Finally, please have your child keep reviewing and taking Hungry for History Tests.  If you fall behind on the tests, it's really hard to catch and it makes reviewing even harder.

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