Sunday, December 14, 2014

Almost Winter Break!

Winter Break is almost here!  The students (and teacher) in Room 110 are excited about this.  Here is what we are learning this week in Kindergarten:

Language Arts:  Students will focus on leaving space between words when writing and will work on reading fluently in reading, with an emphasis on using intonation (or reading loud and soft).  We are also continuing to work on summarizing and retelling a story by telling what the problem and solution are in a story.

Science:  We are wrapping our unit on the physical properties of matter.  Concepts covered this week include wide and thin, heavy and light, and straight/curved.  There will be an assessment on the concepts covered in this unit on Thursday.  Please see last week's post for review of what concepts will be covered on the assessment.

Math:  I have decided to spend and extra week on comparing numbers.  This week, the focus skill will be on identifying one more and one less of a number and identifying sets of objects that have the same number.  This is a pretty abstract skill, so we will be using lots of manipulatives, before moving into just using numerals. If your child is struggling with this, keep using objects until they are ready to just use "numbers".

Notes:  Mark your calendars!  On Tuesday, the gingerbread house will be on display in our room from 4:00-5:00, If you'd like to drop by and see it.  On Wednesday, I will be delivering the house to Spring Arbor Nursing Home after school.  You are welcome to join me and Mr. Payne.  I know the residents would love to see the architects of the house.

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