Sunday, February 2, 2014

How was your "snowcation"?

I hope everyone got out and got to enjoy the snow.  I'm so glad we have a regular week this week!
Here's what's happening this week in 4th grade..

Language Arts:  We will be learning about similes and metaphors this week.  We will also be learning about making generalizations and determining if they are valid or faulty.  This week students are back on schedule with weekly writing homework, word work, and a skill sheet on Tuesday.  There will also be a reading comprehension quiz on Thursday, as well as a spelling test on Thursday.  I hope to start a read aloud this week for the book Wonder.
Here's a link to activities about making generalizations:

VA Studies:  Test Wed on the Revolutionary War!  I will be counting this as a grade only if the grade improves a student's Quarter 2 grade.  Otherwise, I will be using it more as a tool to see what I need review later on in the year.

Science:  Weather Unit starts this week!  Students will get to be Junior Metereologists and will get to make actual weather reports at the end of the unit.

Math: We are still reviewing for the Quarter 2 Test!  This week also starts our unit on Geometry.  This week will focus on lines, line segments, rays, and angles.  If your student is in Mrs. Crosby's math class, they will be reviewing this week also.

Notes:  Any donations of box tops for Education, dry erase markers, pencils, or notebook paper are always welcome.  The students will also have a chance to see the VA Opera perform Pinnochio at our school this week.  Thank you PTA!

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