Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 24-28

March has really flown by!  I also can't believe they're calling for snow again on Tuesday. Hang in there.  Spring (and Spring Break) are coming soon!  Here's what's happening this week in 4th grade:

Language Arts:  Our skill focus this week is identifying the main idea of a passage and supporting details for the main idea.  We will also be practicing using the dictionary and guide words to help find different words in the dictionary. Students will also be finishing up their pot of gold story this week.  This will be a test grade!  Finally, there will be word work and spelling this week.  Homework this week will be a reading comprehension packet.
Social Studies:  We will continue the unit on the Civil War and will learn about the major battles of the war.  We will also be skyping with a member of the Virginia Historical Society on Thursday.  It should be interesting to hear a real historian and see real artifacts from the Civil War.  I am in need of shoe boxes for our culminating project at the end of this unit.
Math:  We are still rolling with fractions.  This week the focus will be on adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators.  The trickiest part of adding and subtracting fractions is remembering to put the fraction in simplest form or to make improper fractions into mixed numbers.  When doing homework, please make sure this step is completed, regardless of the directions.  It is good practice to always put the final answer into a mixed number and simplest form.
Notes:  The Book Fair will be in our school all this week.  On Thursday, there are 3 special events.  During the day, students may dress up as their favorite storybook character for Storybook Character Dress up Day.  In the evening, the PTA will have their annual BBQ dinner fundraiser and the school will be hosting Literacy Night.  I hope to see everyone there!

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