Sunday, October 11, 2015

Welcome Fall!

I hope you were able to get out and enjoy this weekend's weather.  It was beautiful!

Here's what's going on this week in 2nd grade:

Language Arts:  We are working on fluency this week. Students will have the chance to partner read to help with this skill.  We will work on varying speed when reading.  In writing, students will continue to learn about how to write a personal narrative and will learn about run-on sentences.

Math:  We will continue our unit on story problems.  This week's focus is on subtraction story problems.  Look for a test on story problems next Monday.

Social Studies:  We will begin our unit on communities of the past.  Students this week will have a review of the types of communities and will start looking at how Virginia has changed from the past.  Our focus question for the unit will be on how to let others know that our community is a great place to visit.  There is no quiz for Social Studies this week.

Notes:  Please remember to keep checking ASPEN for up to date grades.  Also, please continue to encourage your child to be responsible for checking and turning in their work.  This is skill I am working on with them in class and your encouragement goes a long way.

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