Sunday, October 25, 2015

Red Ribbon Week

Next week is Red Ribbon Week and Spirit Week at Magruder.  Do you remember this from when you were in school?  It is a week to celebrate making safe and healthy choices.  It is also a Spirit week for our school.  This week will also be a really busy week in Room 110 with a Skype session on Monday and Pumpkinmania on Friday.  

Here is what we are focusing on in our curriculum this week:

Language Arts:  Character Analysis and Visualizing, Writing a Personal Narrative

Math:  Patterns on a 100 Chart and Skip Counting

Science:  Magnet Review and Test (The test is on Tuesday)

Social Studies:  Native Americans with a focus on the Powhatans

Fun this week (I just had to add this in):
Monday-Red Day, Skype Session with Mohansic Elementary in New York (We will be doing our monster match activity with them)
Tuesday-Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday-Pajama Day
Thursday-Wacky Tacky Day
Friday-Team Spirit Day
*On Friday afternoon, we will be having pumpkin mania.  I need volunteers and pumpkins.  Please let me know if you are able to help.

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