Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Rainy Week Again?

Hopefully, we will be seeing the sun this week!  We did need the rain, but I have some gardening planned this week and hope we can get out to the soggy garden.

Here's what we're learning about this week:
Language Arts:  It's week 2 of main idea and details.  I will officially start guided reading groups this week.  The focus in groups will be on main idea and detail. We will also go over good test taking strategies.  In writing, the focus will be on writing a personal narrative and editing.

Math:  This week's focus skill is story problems.  Students will be learning about different strategies for solving story problems and missing addends again.  We will also continue to review the concept of equality and will have a test on Friday on computation.

Science:  We will wrap up our unit on Scientific inquiry on Thursday.  There will be a quick quiz on vocabulary for Scientific method terms.  There will be no review sheet for the quiz, as this is a short assessment and we will be having a review in class on Wednesday.  The students will be determining how to best fix our school's garden and will be planting our fall garden on Thursday and Friday.  You may send in gardening gloves if desired.

Notes:  Thanks to all who showed up for Back to School Night.  If you couldn't make it, I look forward to meeting with you at the end of the month for parent-teacher conferences.

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