Sunday, April 26, 2015


The weather this weekend wasn't too great, but it looks like a nice week ahead.  Here's what's going on in Room 110 this week:

Language Arts:  We are starting a new unit in our reading series.  For the next 3 weeks, students will be learning about cause and effect and will be making connections to a story.  In writing, we will be working on writing a story with a beginning, middle, and end, as well as editing for punctuation and capitalization.

Math:  This week starts our fractions unit.  Students will be learning about fair shares and the fractions 1/4 and 1/2 in sets and regions.

Social Studies:  This week also starts our unit on economics.  Students will be learning what a good and service this week, as well as why we have money.  Finally, students will have the chance to be "producers" on Friday and will plant flowers as a service to the school.

Notes:  The Science Fair is on Tuesday from 6-7:30.  The Kindergarten classes will be selling the dog biscuits they made in class.

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