Sunday, April 19, 2015

Week 31!

We are on week 31 and have 8 weeks to go this year!  Here's a preview of what we are learning this week in Room 110:

Language Arts:  It's a fluency week and this week we will talk about using expression while reading.  We will read a Reader's Theatre book and a poem to help with learning this skill.  The focus in writing this week will be on using a 4 square organizer to organize ideas for writing.

Math:  This week, students will be measuring weight using a balance scale and temperature.  The students will compare heavy and light objects using direction comparison and the balance scale.  Students will also review the tools used for measurement.

Science:  This week, I hope to finish up our unit on matter.  We will be learning about things that sink and float and will keep reviewing solids, liquids, and gases.  Students will also learn about healthly foods for animals and will be making dog biscuits to sell at the Transformative Learning Fair next week.

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