Tuesday, February 17, 2015

So much Snow!

I'm hoping we'll be back at school tomorrow, but now I hope you are enjoying the snow.
Here's what we are learning this week in Room 110:

Language Arts:  We are learning how to use the writing process and have new folders.  This week will be dedicated to learning  how to use a 4 square to organize our thoughts for writing and what a first draft is.  In reading, we will work on fluency and reading loudly and softly.  We will also finish up our unit on summarizing.

Math:  We will finish up our unit on numbers to 100.  The students have become pretty proficient at using a 100 chart to find numbers and count.  Continue to practice counting to 100.

Science:  We will finish up our shadow unit and will start a unit on magnets.  It should be pretty fun!

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