Friday, March 6, 2015

March 9-13

With all the snow that we have had, we have a busy, busy week ahead so we can catch up.  Here is what we are working on this week in Kindergarten:

Math:  We will finish up our unit on telling time to the hour and will start our unit on coins and counting pennies and nickels up to 10 cents.  Please start practicing coin recognition with your child if they do not know their coins.  This will be a big help for this unit!

Language Arts:  We are starting a new unit in our Reading Series.  The focus skills for the next two weeks will be on making predictions and making inferences.  We are also learning how to use the writing process and are learning  about adding "fancy" words to make our sentences better.

Social Studies:  The Junior Curators are hard at work thinking of ideas to get more people to want to visit Colonial Williamsburg.  So far, we have learned about Pocahontas and Powhatan through a book and a Skype session with a real historian!  This week we will learn about some Famous Americans and will decide if something about them should be in a museum.  I can't wait to hear some of the ideas the students come up with.

Have a great week!

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