Sunday, February 1, 2015

Almost to 100!

We are fast approaching Day 100.  The 100th day of school will be next Monday and I have lots of fun activities planned for this day.  We will be busy this week learning lots and having fun.   Here's a preview of what we are working on this week:

Language Arts:  We have a new focus skill.  The focus skill for the next 3 weeks will be on summarizing.  The reading strategy skill will be on monitoring and fix-up (Basically, check the beginning letter and then check the picture).  In writing, we will be learning about noun and will continue to write 3 sentences.  I will also be having the students really focus on only using lower case letters in their sentences (except for the first letter). 

Science:  We will start on unit on Shadows this week. The class project will be on how to use our knowledge of shadows to scare away the rabbits in Mrs. Kipper's garden.  This should be a fun unit!

Math:  We will continue our unit on graphing and tallying.  The students will have an opportunity to make a graph on the computer this week also.  It should be a lot of fun!

Notes:  I need help next Monday afternoon for the 100th day.  Please let me know if you can help. 

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