Sunday, January 11, 2015


It is certainly is cold outside!  We are quite warm and toasty is Room 110 (and busy too!)  Here is what we are learning this week:

Language Arts:  The comprehension skill is again using clues to make inferences.  The students had a lot of fun last week "inferring" the Pigeon's feelings in the Mo Willems's book, The Pigeon Wants a Hot Dog. We will doing some fun activities with Pigeon books this week to help learn about making inferences.  The letter of the week is short i and the students will be making "igloos" and "inchworms " to help learn about I.  In writing, the focus will be on making sure to have a period at the end of a sentence!

Math:  The focus skill will again be on ordinal numbers.  The students are doing great on 1st through 5th, so this week, we will focus on 1st through 10th.  Students who mastered 1st through 10th last week are going to work on matching the word form of the numbers to the place of different objects.  Whew!

Social Studies:  We are still learning about maps.  The students have decided that they want to create maps for new students who come to our school.  We will do this next week, as this week, we are creating a 3D map of the land where the 3 Little Pigs live and will be discovering the differences between globes and maps.  Vocabulary this week includes:  globe, map, land, water, blue, green, and above.

Notes: Tomorrow is Paper Airplane Night at MES. Come make a paper airplane and see how far it goes.  The top 3 flights from each grade level win a prize.  I will be measuring flights from 6-7, so I hope to see you there. Also, don't forget that we will not have school next Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

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