Tuesday, January 27, 2015


It was so nice waking up this and seeing the beautiful snow.  I hope it stays for a little bit (but no too long!)  Here's what we are learning this week in Kindergarten:

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Polar Pals are Coming!

Goodness!  This seems like it is going to be such a short week with today off and early release days on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  There are still lots of fun things planned this week.  The Polar Pals will also be coming to visit our class. The polar pals are a penguin and walrus.  Your child may bring one home this week or next.  Please have fun with your pal and then write up what you did in the Polar Pal Journal.  Let's have a great week!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


It is certainly is cold outside!  We are quite warm and toasty is Room 110 (and busy too!)  Here is what we are learning this week:

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

I hope everyone had a nice break.  I enjoyed spending time with my family and I know Tyrion enjoyed all the long runs I got to take him on.  Now, it's back to work and fun in Room 110!  Here is what we are learning this week: