Sunday, March 29, 2015

One Week to Spring Break!

There is only one week left in March and the 3rd quarter marking period and Spring Break is just around the corner.  The students (and teachers) are very excited in Room 110.  That being said, we still have a lot to do this week.  Here's what we're learning in Kindergarten:

Lanuage Arts:  This week starts a new unit in our Reading Series.  The comprehension focus for the next 3 weeks will be on Compare and Contrast and Determining what is important in a text.  In writing, we will focus again on editing and checking for lower case letters in the right place and periods.

Science:  For the first part of the week, the students will get the chance to solve a real life problem and be engineers.  We will read the book Muncha Muncha, Muncha and learn how rabbits are getting in to the garden.  Students will design and test something they build to try to keep the rabbits out.  For the second part of the week, we will finish up our magnet unit

Math:  We are almost done with coins!  I am so impressed with how quickly the students have picked up the skill of counting to 10 cents and am going to be doing some enrichment this week with counting coins to 20 cents.  There will be a test on identifying coins and their values and counting coins to 10 cents at the end of the week.

Notes:  Don't forget that Friday is a full day.  The students will have the opportunity to check out a library book for Spring Break!

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