Tuesday, February 17, 2015

So much Snow!

I'm hoping we'll be back at school tomorrow, but now I hope you are enjoying the snow.
Here's what we are learning this week in Room 110:

Room Changes

We are finished with journals and are graduating to using the writing process and writing folders.  Also, check out the 100 hearts hanging from our ceiling.  On the 100th day, students wrote 100 kind things and we hung them around the room.
Our New Writing Center

Our New Writing Process Poster

100 Hearts!

Mr. Kipper and Tyrion came to help me set up the new writing center after school and decided to provide me with some entertainment!

100th Day Fun

Here are some pictures from the 100th day.  We had a lot of fun!
Seeing (and playing with) 100 balloons in the hallway

Crawling through the Zero..

Showing off the 100 things we brought...


Dressing up like we were 100...

And much more!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Happy Valentine's Week!

This is shaping up to be a fun week in Kindergarten.  Monday is the 100th day and we will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday.  Monday should be very exciting with the arrival of 100 balloons and other "100" activities all day long.  Here's more details about the week:

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Almost to 100!

We are fast approaching Day 100.  The 100th day of school will be next Monday and I have lots of fun activities planned for this day.  We will be busy this week learning lots and having fun.   Here's a preview of what we are working on this week: