Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week 4

This week in Second Grade...

Science:  We are starting our unit on Scientific Inquiry.  Lots of fun experiments are planned.  Be sure to ask your child about making marshmallow shooters and how we had to use Science to make determine the best way to move marshmallows.

Language Arts:  This week, I will hopefully finish up beginning of the year testing and can start pulling reading groups!  We will be focusing on main idea and details for our comprehension strategy and will learn about editing and revising in writing.  The students are still working on learning routines. I know they will get them soon!

Math:  We are continuing to work on addition and subtraction.  This week's focus is on equality and missing addends.  To help with basic fact memorization, I am having the students work on Moby The students can work on this at home too.  There is a link on my ASPEN page.

Other:  Don't forget Back to School Night is Tuesday at 6:30!  I hope to see you there.

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