Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week 3!

We are getting well into the swing of things in second grade with our routines and daily expectations.  This week, students will bring home spelling words and spelling homework.  The instructions for the homework are in the front of your child's spelling homework notebook.  Also, this week, we will have another addition to our class:  a fish and 2 crayfish.  I think they will provide a fun way for us to learn Science this year and I think they're pretty cool.  Check back for new pictures coming soon!
Here's what we're learning about this week:

Math:  We will start a unit on computation and will review basic addition and subtraction facts to 20.  I will be sending home information on a program called Xtra Math that  your child can do at home to help with this.  We will have a quiz on Friday on basic facts.

Language Arts:  We are continuing to set up our writing workshop.  In reading, we are still working on learning routines. This week, we will add word work to our Daily 3 centers to help with spelling.

Social Studies:  We will finish up our unit on citizenship and the responsibilities of a good citizen.  There will be a test on Friday for this unit.  I will send home a study guide on Thursday night.  This is our first test of the year!

Notes:  Don't forget next Tuesday is Back to School Night at 6:30.  I look forward to meeting with you and providing more information about our class.

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