Saturday, October 18, 2014

Spider Week

It's Spider Week!  Our activities this week will be spider themed.  Students may bring in a spider in a glass jar to share with the class.  Here is what we are doing this week in Kindergarten:

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fire Safety Week

This week we will celebrate fire safety week in our class.  Students will be doing activities that will have a fire safety theme.  Students will have the chance to earn their "Sparky Necklace".  They will be able to earn this by reciting their address and telephone number during circle time.   Please help your child learn these important things.

Here is what else is happening this week in our class:

Language Arts:  We are still working on using letter sounds to write.  This week also starts our "letter of the week".  The letter of the week this week is M. Our focus skills this week are making visualizations when reading and character analysis (learning about characters by what they think, feel, say, or do).

Social Studies:  We are about to wrap up our unit on the Past and Present.  I have had a lot of fun teaching this unit.  Last week, we did laundry the "old way" with a washboard and bucket.  This week, we will learn about clothes of the past and games children might have played at recess in the past.  We will be comparing these things to what we see in the present.

Math:  It's pattern time again this week!  The students will be learning what the "core" of a pattern is and how to extend patterns.  Students will also be having a pattern concert and creating art for a pattern musuem to be held in our class next week.  Our auidence will be our 2nd grade neighbors.

Notes:  The PTA Fall Fest is this Friday from 6:15-8:45.  There will be games, bounce houses, food, ,and lots of fun!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Welcome to October!

I hope everyone got to get out and enjoy the fabulous weather this weekend!  There's a lot going on next week, so here we go...