Monday, December 16, 2013

5 days until Winter Break...

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes every night.  Reading logs are due on Thursday.  There is no spelling or word work this.  Instead, students will complete a skill packet each day.
Writing:  Students will be writing a story about an imaginary place in preparation for our watching of The Polar Express.  We will also learn about similes and metaphors.
Math:  We are beginning division this week and will concentrate of solving division problems with remainders.  Practice those multiplcation facts!
Social Studies:  We are working on our unit on Colonial Virginia.  A study guide was sent home today with all the necessary information about the unit.  There will be a quiz on Wednesday on cultural landscapes and why Colonial Virginians were so dependent on tobacco.
Special Notes:  On Friday, students will be making gingerbread houses.  I am in need of help and supplies (a letter was sent home today).  Please help!!!  Also, the Solar System projects look great!  Great job Students!

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