Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Homework 12/17

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.  Reading log due Thursday
Math:  p.115
VA Studies:  Quiz tomorrow on cultural landscapes and the tobacco economy, Study Guide WS

Monday, December 16, 2013

Homework 12/16

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
Social Studies:  Quiz Wed on Colonial Virginia's Cultural Landscapes

5 days until Winter Break...

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes every night.  Reading logs are due on Thursday.  There is no spelling or word work this.  Instead, students will complete a skill packet each day.
Writing:  Students will be writing a story about an imaginary place in preparation for our watching of The Polar Express.  We will also learn about similes and metaphors.
Math:  We are beginning division this week and will concentrate of solving division problems with remainders.  Practice those multiplcation facts!
Social Studies:  We are working on our unit on Colonial Virginia.  A study guide was sent home today with all the necessary information about the unit.  There will be a quiz on Wednesday on cultural landscapes and why Colonial Virginians were so dependent on tobacco.
Special Notes:  On Friday, students will be making gingerbread houses.  I am in need of help and supplies (a letter was sent home today).  Please help!!!  Also, the Solar System projects look great!  Great job Students!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Homework 12/12

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
Notes:  Tomorrow is a half day.  Dismissal time will be 12:40.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Homework 12/11

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
Science:  Study Guide WS, Test tomorrow!  This is a change from Friday. I feel the students are ready for the test and we have an event and resource on Friday (half day).  I know the students can do it!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Homework 12/10

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
Science:  Test Friday!  Don't forget your solar system project is due next Monday.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Homework 12/9

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
This week we are learning about equality (4+1=5-0) and the commutative (4+2=2+4) and associative property (9x2)x3=9x(2x3) of multiplication.
Science:  Moon WS (Study Guide sent home today)
Notes:  Solar System Project Due next Monday

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Homework 12/5

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Science:  Quiz tomorrow on Planet Order, Study Guide WS
Math:  WS (Do even problems)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Homework 12/4

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Science:  Quiz Friday on the Planets and the order of the planets
Math:  WS (Odd Only), Test on Multiplication Monday

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Homework 12/3

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  p. 108 (odd problems), Multiplication Test next Monday!
Science:  Solar System Crossword Puzzle WS (Use Study Guide given out yesterday to help you)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Homework 12/2

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.  Don't forget to turn in your reading log for November.
Math:  p.105
Science:  We are starting our unit on planets and the solar system.  Students will have a project to complete. Instructions were sent home today. Here are some websites to help your child start learning about the solar system:

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Homework 11/26

Reading:  Reading Log Due
Math:  p.106 (odd only)
Notes:  Early Dismissal tomorrow!  Dismissal time will be 12:40

Monday, November 25, 2013

Homework 11/25

Reading:  Reading Log due Wednesday
VA Studies:  Test tomorrow, Review Sheet
Math:  p.106 (even only)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Homework 11/21

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.
Math:  Come to Math Night!
VA Studies:  WS
Notes:  Tomorrow is our playground presentation at 2:30 in the Library.  I hope you can come.  I will be video taping the presentation for those parents who cannot come.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Homework 11/20

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
Notes:  Math night is tomorrow night from 5:30-6:30.  We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homework 11/19

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
VA Studies:  Quiz tomorrow on Jamestown
Notes:  Math night on Thursday from 6:30-8:00!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Homework 11/18

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
VA Studies:  Review Sheet, Quiz tomorrow on Jamestown
Math:  p.99
Notes:  Math night is on Thursday.  In addition, the students will also be presenting the playground they designed on Friday from 2:30-3:15 in the cafeteria.  Please come out to hear and see the wonderful playground the students made as part of our unit on Force and Motion.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homework 11/13

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
VA Studies:  Study Guide for Jamestown Unit sent home today.  Feel free to keep it at home and review it nightly.
Math:  WS

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homework 11/12

Today is 11-12-13!
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Science:  Study Guide WS, Test tomorrow
Math:  WS
Notes:  Tomorrow is the last day of the food drive.  It is your choice of what type of can to donate.  Also, we have 3 new fish in our classroom.  Look for an article in next month's class newspaper about the new additions to our class.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Homework 11/8

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Notes:  Tuesday is "Tuna Tuesday".  Bring in canned meat for the food drive.  Also, there is no school on Monday and don't forget to bring your permission slip back for our field trip on Tuesday to the Playhouse.  Sorry, we cannot have chaperones on this trip due to limited seating in the playhouse.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Homework 11/7

Math:  WS
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Science:  Test next Wednesday on Force and Motion
Notes:  Tomorrow is Fruity Friday.  Bring in cans of fruit for the food drive.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homework 11/6

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  None
Notes:  Tomorrow is tomato Thursday in the food drive.  Bring in canned vegetables.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Homework 11/4

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.  Just a note, October's Reading Log is due! November's Reading log was sent home on Friday.  (It is also posted on Edline.)
Math:  Math Packet (due Wednesday).  We will not have math homework on Wednesday.
Science:  Quiz Wednesday on Force and Motion
Notes:  There is no school tomorrow.  Also, the SCA is collecting cereal on Wednesday for the food drive.  Please bring in cereal for "Wheaties Wednesday".

Friday, November 1, 2013

Homework 11/1

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Turn in reading log if you have not done so.
Notes:  Next week is the SCA food drive.  Monday is macaroni day.  Bring in pasta. 
There is no school next Tuesday.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Homework 10/31

Math:  WS
Reading: Read for 20 minutes, Reading Log due!
Writing:  Blog homework due tomorrow
Notes:  Tomorrow is Team Spirit Day!  Wear your favorite team's colors or shirt.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Homework 10/30

Reading:  Read for 30 minutes
Writing:  Fill out job application on kid blog (instructions sent home yesterday)
Link for Kid Blog
Math:  WS
Science:  Quiz Tomorrow
Notes: Crazy Hair Day tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homework 10/29

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math: WS
Science:  Quiz on Thursday
Notes:  Tomorrow is Pajama Day.
*Thanks to all my wonderful students!  They did a great job yesterday!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Homework 10/28

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Writing:  Fill out DARE job application on class blog (instructions were sent home today)
Math:  WS
Notes:  Tomorrow is Sock it to Drugs Day.  Wear crazy socks.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Homework 10/25

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Reading Logs due next Thursday
Notes:  Next week is red ribbon week.  Monday will be "Be bright. Don't do drugs."  Students should wear bright colors.  A flier was sent home today with more details and a schedule for the week. 
Also, please return your conference form is you have done so.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Homework 10/24

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  p.77
Notes:  Please return conference form, if you have not done so.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Homework 10/23

Reading:  Read for 20 min.
Math:  p.84
Notes:  Return conference form, if you have not done so.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Homework 2/22

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  p.83
VA Studies:  Test tomorrow on Native Americans, Review WS
Notes:  Wear DARE Shirt tomorrow

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homework 10/21

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
VA Studies:  Test Wed. on Native Americans
Writing:  Optional-Write an article, jokes, or draw a comic for the class newspaper.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Homework 10/18

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
VA Studies:  Test next Wed.
Notes:  Fall Festival tonight from 6:30-8 on the soccer field at Magruder, I hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Homework 10/16

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  p. 43
Notes:  Return Federal Card Tomorrow!!!  It is very important that I receive this back tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homework 10/15

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
VA Studies:  Quiz tomorrow (Study Guide was sent home Thursday.  Please check edline for a link to the study guide), Worksheet
Math:  p.42
Notes:  Return interim report if you have not done so.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Homework 10/14

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
VA Studies:  Worksheet, Quiz Wed on Native American Languages and Tribes
Math:  p.41
Notes:  Return signed interim reports (if you have not done so).

Friday, October 11, 2013

Homework 10/11

Reading:  Read for 20 min.
Notes:  Return progress reports. 
*Please note that I have been posting grades on edline.  Please let me know if your child's grades have not been showing up on edline.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Homework 10/10

Read:  Read for 20 minutes.
Math:  W.S.
VA Studies:  Study Guide for our next unit was sent home today.  Please keep this in your take home folder to use for studying and for homework.
Notes:  Scholastic Book Order Due Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Homework 10/9

Math:  p.35-36
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Notes:  Scholastic Orders due Friday

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Homework 10/8

Reading:  Read for 20 min.
Math:  p.38
Science:  Quiz tomorrow, Study the study guide and your notes
Notes:  Wear DARE shirt tomorrow, Scholastic Orders due Friday

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homework 10/7

Reading:  Read for 20 min.
Math:  p.37
Science:  Quiz Wednesday on Scientific Method. The study guide was given out today, Please study.
Notes:  Scholastic Book Orders due Friday

Friday, October 4, 2013

Homework 10/4

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes and record in reading log
*Extra reading Logs are posted on edline. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Homework 10/3

Reading;  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  Worksheet, Decimal Test tomorrow
Notes:  Early Dismissal tomorrow at 12:40

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Homework 10/2

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Spelling:  Study for test
Math:  Worksheet, Decimal Test on Friday
Notes:  Picture Day Tomorrow

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Homework 10/1

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  Worksheet, Decimal Test on Friday!
Notes:  Wear DARE shirt tomorrow.  Picture Day is Thursday

Monday, September 30, 2013

Homework 9/30

Reading:  Read for 20 min.
Math:  Worksheet, Decimal Test Friday
*Picture Day is this Thursday.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Homework 9/27

Happy Weekend!
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, Reading Logs are due on Monday

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Homework 9/26

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
VA Studies:  Test Tomorrow, Review Sheet
Math:  p.184

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Homework 9/25

Thanks to all students and parents for coming to back to school night.  It was a pleasure seeing you all there.
Math:  p.183
Spelling:  Study spelling words
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
VA Studies:  Review Sort, Test Thursday
*We are making salt dough maps tomorrow.  Please send in your dough ASAP!  We are still missing 3 bags.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Homework 9/23

Math: Worksheet
VA Studies:  Review Worksheet, Test Friday on Regions and Geography
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.
*Don't forget to send in your flour/salt mixture for the salt dough map by tomorrow.  We are making maps on Wednesday and I need to know if I will need to bring in extra dough.  If you don't know what the recipe is, look for the note I sent home Friday or e-mail me and I will send it to you.

Friday, September 20, 2013


We just finished another wonderful week of school.  Just a reminder that next Tuesday is Back to  School Night at 6:30.
Students:  If you want to submit an article, poem, picture, or cartoon to our class newspaper, the deadline is Tuesday.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homework 9/19

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  p.173
Smile!  It's almost the weekend!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homework 9/18

Math:  p.172
Spelling:  Test tomorrow, Study Words
Reading;  Read for 20 minutes
*Remember we are doing the 40 book challenge this year.  The students are doing a great job.  Keep encouraging them to finish books.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Homework 9/17

Math:  p.171
Spelling:  Study Words (Ideas for studying words are on Edline)
Reading:  Read for 20 min.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Homework 9/16

Reading:  Read for 20 min.
Spelling:  Study spelling words.  Ideas for studying are on Edline
Math:  p.27-28
I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  What beautiful weather we had!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Homework 5/30

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read for 20 minutes
Ms. Phillips's math:  p.255-256
VA Studies:  Review Glue and Review Packet, Study VS 1-VS 10

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Homework 5/29

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read for 20 minutes
Ms. Phillips's math:  p.257-258 (still things to learn and do!)
Ms. Scullary's Math:  No math homework the rest of the year!!!
Va Studies:  VS2C 10b Assessment:  The Waters and Products of Virginia

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homework 5/21

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes
Ms.Scullary's Math:  make a multiplication chart
Ms. Phillips's math:  Extra practice sheet (if you want!), Study for SOL!
*Part 1 of the Math SOL is tomorrow.  Good luck!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Homework 5/20

Language Arts:  Read, No Spelling This week
Ms. Phillips's Class:  SOL Review Packet due Wed. (If you finish it early, please keep it to study with.)
Ms. Scullary's Class:  WS
Va. Studies:  Review Quiz #9
SOL Math Test Thursday and Wednesday!!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Homework 5/16

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Math WS
Ms. Phillips's math:  Geometry Review WS
VA Studies:  Study Daily Review #8 and Hungry for History

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Homework 5/15

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Decimal Review Sheet
Ms. Scullary's math:  math ws
*Great Job to all students on the Reading SOL!  I am proud of you!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Homework 5/14

Language Arts:  Read for 20 minutes, Reading SOL tomorrow
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Math on a Map WS
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Decimal Review WS
VA Studies:  VA Studies Review Quiz 7

Monday, May 13, 2013

Homework 5/13

Language Arts:  No Spelling this Week! Read for 20 minutes
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Number Review WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Review Estimate 19, 20, 21
VA Studies:  None

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Homework 5/8

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Scullary's math:  WS
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Graphing WS
VA Studies:  Study Review #6

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Homework 5/7

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Milliliters and Liters WS
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Graphing WS
VA Studies:  Hungry for History Tests 5 and 6 by Friday at 3, Test-Thursday on VS 9

Monday, May 6, 2013

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Conversions WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Mall Stall WS
VA Studies:  Daily Review Quiz 5 (Tuesday)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Homework 5/2

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's math:  Practice Problems WS
Ms. Scullary's math:  Grams and Kilograms WS
Va. Studies:  Daily Review Quiz #9 on Friday

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Homework 5/1

Hooray!  It's finally May!
Ms. Phillips's math:  mL/L WS
Ms. Scullary's math:  Heavy Weights or Light Weights
Va Studies:  Civil Rights Movements in Virgina (cloze notes)
Study Review #4

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Scullary's math:  Meter and Kilometer WS
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Gallon Bot Robot WS
Va. Studies:  Hungry 4 History Tests by Friday at 3:00

Monday, April 29, 2013

Homework 4/29

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Scullary's math:  In-out boxes and capacity ws
Ms. Phillips's math:  p.227-228
Va Studies:  Daily Review Quiz 3 on Tuesday

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Homework 4/25

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Lesson Practice WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Weight Conversions WS
VA Studies:  None

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Homework for 4/24

Language Arts:  Reading WS, Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Measuring Inches WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Customary units of Length with centimeters/units WS
VA Studies:  None

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Homework 4/23

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Cm WS
Ms. Scullary's math:  Grams and Kilograms Weight WS
Va Studies:  Study for test in Daily Review

Monday, April 22, 2013

Homework 4/22

Language Arts:  Read, Spelling
Ms. Scullary's Math:  p.233-234
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.225-226
Va. Studies:  Daily Review Quiz Wednesday and Friday

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Homework 4/18

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Practice Makes Perfect WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Measurement:  Foot, Yard, Mile WS
Science:  Test tomorrow on Weather

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Homework 4/17

Language Arts:  Reading WS on James Madison, Spelling
Ms. Phillips's math:  Ounces, Pounds, Tons WS
Ms. Scullary's math:  p.233-234
Science:  Test on weather

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Homework 4/16

Language Arts:  Read, Spelling
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Longer Than WS (both sides)
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.229-230
VA Studies:  Need to Have Supplies (glue, scissors), Foldable

Monday, April 15, 2013

Homework 4/15

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Measuring Inches WS
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Weight WS
Va. Studies: None

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Homework 4/11

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
NO math today!!!
Va. Studies:  Test tomorrow
*Return report card envelopes.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Homework 4/10

Language Arts:  Spelling, Reading WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  4.2 Study Guide, 4.3 Study Guide
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Chapter 2 Review
Va. Studies: None

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Homework 4/9

Language Arts:  Read, Spelling
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Division Benchmark Assessment Review-Quarter 3, Make a multiplication chart
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Review Packet
Va. Studies:  None

Monday, April 8, 2013

Homework 4/8

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a wonderful break!
Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
*Spelling words are now listed on my ed-line page.
Ms. Phillips's Math:  DBA Review Packet
Beginning next week, the math notes/work for the week will be on my edline page.  Look for it coming soon!
Ms. Scullary's Math:  DBA Review Packet
*Math DBA is on Thursday.
Virginia Studies:  Finish Purple Book (if not done), VS8c WS (front and back)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homework 2/26

Va. Studies:  Jim Crow Laws WS (one side)
Ms. Scullary's math:  Decimals are Different (Both Pages)
Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  At the Moovies WS

Monday, March 25, 2013

Homework 3/25

Ms. Phillips's Math:  Lesson Practice WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fraction Guided Practice (#Test #1-27)
Va. Studies:  Unfinished Graphic Organzier (one sided)
Language Arts:  Open Sort, Read

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Homework 3/21

Language Arts: Reading WS, Read, Spelling
Ms. Phillips's math:  p.297-298
Ms. Scullary's Math:  p.167-168
Va. Studies:  Virginia after the Civil War (1 side)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Homework 3/19

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  WS
*Field Trip tomorrow!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Homework 3/18

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  WS
Va. Studies:  Finish any unfinished work
*Field Trip on Wednesday

Friday, March 15, 2013

Homework 3/15

Language Arts:  Read!
*Don't forget to turn in field trip money.  The deadline is Monday!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Homework 3/14

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  WS
*Don't forget to turn in field trip money!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Homework 3/13

Language Arts:  Reading WS, Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.175 (Practice 12-3 is the name of the page)
Ms. Scullary's Math:  WS
*Field Trip Money Due!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Homework 3/12

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  WS, Work on Multiplication
**Field Trip Money ($5) and permission slip due tomorrow!!!
**Sorry I didn't post yesterday.  Our internet connection at school wasn't working all day.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Homework 3/8

Language Arts:  Read
*If you are participating in Jump Rope for Heart, please turn in your permission slip ASAP.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Homework 3/7

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.166
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fractions WS

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Homework 3/6

Language Arts:  Reading WS
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.165
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fractions WS
*Don't forget to turn in your permission slip for Jump Rope for Heart if you are participating.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Homework 3/5

Language Arts:  Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Adding Fractions WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fractions WS

Monday, March 4, 2013

Homework 3/4

Language Arts:  Read, Spelling Activity
Ms. Phillips's Math Class:  Fractions WS
Ms. Scullary's Math Class:  Fractions WS

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Homework 2/28

Language Arts:  Spelling, Reading Log due
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Multiples WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fractions WS
*Don't forget the recorder concert is tonight at 6:30.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Homework 2/26

Language Arts:  Closed Sort, Reading Logs due Thursday
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.157-158
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fraction WS
*Don't forget the recorder concert is on Thursday.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Homework 2/25

Language Arts:  Spelling Word Sort, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Factors WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fractions WS
*Don't forget:  The recorder concert is Thursday at 6:30.  Please plan to arrive by 6:20.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Homework 2/22

Language Arts:  Read, Reading logs are due next Thursday!
*Don't forget tonight is the Luau Dance!  I hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Homework 2/21

Language Arts:  Spelling Activity
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.153-154
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fractions WS
*Don't forget spell-a-thon money is due tomorrow. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Homework 2/20

Language Arts:  Reading WS, Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Fraction WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fraction WS
Va. Studies:  Finish any incomplete work!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Homework 2/19

Language Arts:  Word Sort, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Fraction WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Frations WS
*Don't forget to turn in your spell-a-thon money if you have been collecting it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Homework 2/15

Language Arts:  Read
*Essays for the month are due today!  If you have not completed your essay, please work on it over the weekend and turn it in on Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Homework 2/13

Language Arts:  Reading WS, Word Hunt
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.151-152
Ms. Scullary's Math:  p.148-149
*Don't forget to bring in your bag for your valentines.  Bags were given to the students on Friday for them to decorate at home and bring in on Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Homework 2/12

Language Arts:  Closed Sort
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.147-148
Ms. Scullary's Math:  p. 149-150
Va. Studies:  Finish Notes

Monday, February 11, 2013

Homework 2/11

Language Arts:  Spelling Word Sort
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Fractions WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fractions WS
*You may start turning in money for the spell-a-thon now.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Homework 2/8

Language Arts:  Read!!!
*Don't forget to start bringing in your Spell-a-thon envelopes if you are participating in this.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Homework 2/7

Language Arts:  Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Fractions WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Fractions WS

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Homework 2/6

Language Arts:  Spelling, Reading WS
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p. 145-146
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Go on tenmarks

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Homework 2/5

Language Arts:  Spelling
Math:  None!!!
*Don't forget to return report card envelopes.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Homework 2/4

Language Arts:  Spelling Word Sort
Ms. Phillips's Math:  DBA Review Packet
Ms. Scullary's Math:  DBA Review
Please return report card envelopes.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Homework 2/1

Language Arts:  Read!
Ms. Phillips's Math Class:  Review Packet for DBA (no math homework on Tuesday!)
Look for reports and information about the PTA Spell-a-thon coming home today.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Homework 1/31

Language Arts:  Spelling, Book Report Due!
Ms. Phillips's Math:  Geometry Review Sheet, Geometry Test tomorrow
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Review WS
Social Studies:  Test tomorrow

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Homework 1/30

Language Arts:  ReadingWS, Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.217-218, Geometry Test Friday
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Lines WS, Geometry Test Thursday
Social Studies:  Test Friday

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Homework 1/29

Language Arts:  Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.215-216
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Geometry Review
Social Studies:  Quiz tomorrow
*We need pencils.  Please send in 2 packs of pencils for your child.  They will be using their own pencils for the rest of the year.  We will not longer have the "pencil bucket". Students will be responsible for their own pencils.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Homework 1/17

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p. 279-280
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Review WS
*Tomorrow is dress like a hero day.  Be a hero and stop bullying.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Homework 1/16

Langauge Arts:  Reading WS, Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.286-287
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Review WS
*Tomorrow is Twin Day!  Show your school spirit.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Homework 1/15

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p.141-142
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Geometry WS
*Tomorrow is Don't sweat bullies day.  Wear sweats!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Homework 1/14

Language Arts:  Reading WS, Spelling
Ms. Phillips's Math:  p. 137-138
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Review WS

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Homework 1/10

Language Arts:  Spelling, Read!
Ms. Phillips's Math:  WS on angles
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Division WS
*Thanks to all the parents who helped with making aneometers yesterday!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Homework 1/9

Language Arts:  Reading WS, Spelling-Closed Sort
Ms. Phillips's Math:  WS on geometry
Ms. Scullary's Math:  WS
Social Studies:  Test Friday

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Homework 1/8

Language Arts:  Spelling Activity, Read
Ms. Phillips's Class:  WB p.133-134
Ms. Scullary's Class:  WB p.131-132
Social Studies:  Test on Friday

Monday, January 7, 2013

Homework 1/7

Language Arts:  Spelling Activity, Reading WS
Ms. Phillips's Math:  WB p. 131-132
Ms. Scullary's Math:  WB p.133-134, Review WS
Science:  Quiz on Clouds tomorrow

Friday, January 4, 2013

Homework 1/4

Language Arts:  Read
*Please note on the book report that it says "realistic fiction".  Students may use a fantasy book, but they must list the realistic parts of the book on the web. This month I wanted to concentrate on any type of fiction to encourage reading, so any type of fiction book may be read this month.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Homework 1/3

Language Arts:  Read (A new reading log was sent home yesterday)
Ms. Phillips's Math:  WS
Ms. Scullary's Math:  Practice Book p141-142

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Homework 1/2

Happy New Year!
Language Arts:  Reading WS, No Spelling this week
Ms. Phillips's math:  WS
Ms. Scullary's math:  WS