Sunday, November 1, 2015

Monster Match

Here are pictures from our Skype with a class from New York.  The students had fun trying to draw each other's monsters and follow directions.
*Also, please note it is not Valentine's Day.  It was "Red Day" at school for Red Ribbon week.  Hence, why most of the students are wearing red:)






We had so much fun with Pumpkinmania.  Thanks to Sara's mom and dad for volunteering and for all the parents who sent in pumpkins.





Welcome November!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  This week is busy in Room 110.  While we do have Tuesday off, the end of the quarter also marks the beginning of Benchmark testing for Reading and Math learned this quarter. Here's a run down of the curriculum for the week:

Reading:  Fluency (pausing at punctuation) and Visualizing

Math:  Skip Counting and Identifying Odd and Even Numbers

Social Studies:  Native Americans (The Powhatans and the Lakota Tribes)

Notes:  Please return your child's permission slip for our Jamestown Field Trip next Tuesday, if you  have not done so already.