Sunday, June 15, 2014

An End to a Great Year!

This has been such an amazing year.  Thanks to all my students and parents for helping to make this one of the most fun years I've had teaching.  We completed a project for almost every Science and Social Studies Unit, in addition to some other fun projects in Math (measurement fair anyone?) and Language Arts (DARE Commercials!).  While I do enjoy sleeping in and being able to go to the beach when I want and will definitely enjoy my wedding in just 5 days (!), I will miss everyone and I hope that everyone has a great summer.  Here are some last pictures from the measurement fair we had last week.  Remember to read this summer and come visit me next year in Kindergarten. :)


Monday, June 2, 2014

Homework (Last Week!)

Langauge Arts:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS (Mon-Thurs)
Science:  WS (Tues), Quiz on Wed on Natural Resources, WS (Thurs)
Notes:  I need to borrow 3 corn hole (bean bag toss) boards for Friday for Market Day.  We also still need cereal boxes for the cereal box book report.
Have a wonderful week!

2 Weeks Left

We are getting so close to the end of the school year.  Only 9 more days to go!  I have some fun projects planned for the next weeks.  Students will be still be learning and working up until to June 12 and I will be taking grades up until June 10, so please encourage your child to keep doing their best at school. 
Here's a preview of what we are doing for the next 2 weeks:
Measurement Fair:  Students will be teaching the 2nd graders about measurement.  They will be operating their own booth and teaching about estimation and measurement.
Market Day:  Students will be running a corn hole (bean bag toss) tournament and then will be shopping at the 5th grade stores using Panther Dollars.  I need to borrow 3 corn hole boards.  Please let me know if you can bring one in on Friday.
Hungry for History Pizza Party:  This will be held on Monday, June 9.  Students will need to bring in the permission slip and $1.  Permission slips will be given once Hungry for History Tests 1-10 have been completed.
I have other fun activities planned to end out the school year also.  Please ask your child what they did in school today.