Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Weather Unit

We are ready to start our weather unit!   The students will be Junior Meterologists for this Unit.  Their challenge will be to create a weather forecast for our area by using what they learn in the unit. Here are some websites to get started.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Homework 1/28

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes, No writing this week
Math:  Packet Due Friday
VA Studies:  Study Guide WS

More Snow!

Ready for more snow?  Here's what I hope to do this week!
Language Arts:  Students are finishing up their wish stories.  There is no spelling or Daily Language Review this week.  We will writing and making Super Bowl Commercials.  Look for them coming soon!  Just a reminder that reading logs are due Friday.
Math:  We are still reviewing for the Quarter 2 Test.  Please have your child practice their long division and multi-digit multiplication.  Students were given a review packet that will be due Friday.
VA Studies:  We are finishing up our unit on the Revolutionary War.  There will be a test this week!
  Have a great week!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The week of January 21-23!

Ready for a short week?  Even though this week is short, there is still homework this week!
Reading:  Students will be taking the Unit 3/4 Benchmark test this week.  There is no word work or spelling.  Just a reminder:  Reading logs are due next Friday.  If your reading log is lost, check out my edline page for an electronic copy.
Today's HW:  Read for 20 min.

Writing:  The students will be finishing up their wish story.  I hope to have them publish it in the computer lab next week.
Today's HW:  Writing WS

Math:  We are getting ready for the Quarter 2 Benchmark test next week.   We will be reviewing number patterns and multi-digit multiplication. 
Today's HW:  WS

VA Studies:  Students will be working on a project about the Revolutionary War and will be reviewing.  There is a test on the Revolutionary War next Wednesday. 
Today's HW:  Review WS

Friday, January 17, 2014

Twin Day and Next Week

Next week is a crazy week!  We do not have school on Monday and Friday.  Tues, Wed, and Thurs are all early dismissal days.  There will be homework next week!
Check out these pictures from Twin Day. The students enjoyed all the dress up days this week to show that they are against bullying!  (The teachers enjoyed it too.)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Homework 1/16

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS
VA Studies:  Day 2 of WS
Notes:  Tomorrow is Twin Day!  Dress like a friend.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Homework 1/15

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Math:  WS, Long Division Test Friday
VA Studies:  Quiz tomorrow on the causes of the American Revolution, WS
Notes:  Tomorrow is put a lid on bullying day.  Students may wear a hat to show their support of no bullying in our school.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Homework 1/14

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Writing:  Writing Worksheet due Friday
Math:  WS, Long Division Test Friday
Notes:  Tomorrow is "don't sweat bullies" day.  Wear sweats to show your support of no bullying week.

Monday, January 13, 2014

This week in 4th grade...

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.  We are having word work and our weekly reading comprehension quiz on Thursday.
Writing:  There will now be a weekly writing prompt that will be due Friday for homework.  Students will need to write a paragraph on the prompt on the worksheet.
Math: We are finishing up our unit on Long Division this week and will be reviewing multi-digit multiplication.  The last week in January students will be taking a test on all the skills learned this quarter.  We will start reviewing these skills this week.
Today's HW is a WS.
VA Studies:  We will continue our unit on the Revolutionary War.  There will be a quiz on Thursday on the causes of the war and the people of the war (loyalists, patriots, neutral).  Start studying!
Have a great week and don't forget we do not have school next Monday:)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Homework 1/9

Reading:  Read for 20 minutes.
Virginia Studies:  Study Guide for our next unit sent home today
Math:  WS

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Homework 1/8

Reading:  Reading WS
Math:  WS
Virginia Studies:  None!  I will be sending home the study guide for the Revolutionary War Unit tomorrow.  This is our next unit.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Homework 1/7

Happy New Year!
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes
Social Studies:  Test Tomorrow, Study Guide WS
Math:  WS
We will be completing a word work packet in class this week, along with our skill sheet and reading comprehension quiz.  The skill for the week is predicting.  We are also continuing to work on long division in Math.  Finally, we will be starting our unit on the Revolutionary War this week.  Look for a study guide coming home on Thursday!